To Scorch, or to Capture, that is the question

=Wait a minute...there should be only one [Abomination] in our lord's immediate vicinity, yes?=

=Then why am I picking up four...five, five different signals that suggest the presence of minute [Chaos] related entities in the area?=


"Rianna, what's wrong?"

"I'm not sure...but keep your focus on finishing the array..."

Sensing that something was off about the situation, Rianna proceeded to draw her saber in preparation for...something to try and take her head. Evidently, this was a good move.

Shortly after she drew her trusty saber, a tingling sensation of danger caused her instincts to go haywire. But it wasn't a sense of danger being directed at herself.

Instead, it was towards Jin Fang!

"Back off!"


"What the hell?!"
