Winning Blow

[Interesting...looks like you're aiming to end this fight with a single blow. How cinematic.]

'I was gonna quip I have no idea what that means, but you being my head is helping me gain some information I didn't know existed.'

[Oh? Pray tell. Like what?]

'Well...I think I just figured out what you and my cousin do in order to make him hit so hard. and I think it goes a little something like this...'


Most tournaments, or fighting contests in general, rarely ever end due to a single attack.

They're usually the result of several rounds of concentrated blows, strategic movements and just pure physical prowess.

That said, it's always a sight to behold when someone decides to finish it with a single punch, especially after getting up from what was supposed to be knock-out!

"Holy shit..."

"What...what's up with his aura? Why does it feel so ominous?"

"Xiao Hai..."
