Against the Dragon(Monkey)[2]

[Wait a minute. Director, isn't this thing able to mimic aether arts and dragon force arts because of its original bloodline?]

'Yes. Yes it can.'

[Then does that mean our plan to act as a distraction while the princess delivers the finisher kind of...rendered moot? I mean, that thing just saw her swing that sword once and it copied her Crimson Draguar strike.]

'Well, I have faith that Jinju Ren will be able to overpower and overcome her own copied attack...even if that monkey might be stronger than her...that and the others are on their way as well...'

[Uh huh...are you sure you're not saying that because you forgot that this weird ass monkey was able to copy moves due to how fast your brain is moving?]


[To steal a word from you...bruh.]


In all honesty, Zhen Liu's plan was incredibly simplistic.