[Flames of Vice & Virtue]

'Ignoring...actually, not ignoring this. Blazejudicator, why is my father wreathed in purple flames like some kind of hell demon? And what's with the overlapping voice? What did you do?'

[Wait, you're more curious about that and not pissed about him stealing our fighting thunder? This was our fight, director!]

'Technically, my aim was to distract the monkey long enough for the rest of my family to abscond with the treasures. Speaking of which, Spring Brawler, you good?'

[The girls and I have met up with the rest of the clan and are now heading for the exit. That said, they're also looking at me kind of funny.]

'We'll address that later. Now then, Blazejudicator, explain."

[Oh, yeah, turns out your old man is surprisingly compatible with the Flames of Vice and Virtue. I just gave him a crash course on the flight here and he just took to it like kindling in a wildfire. How come your old man never cultivated this stuff before?]