Kaijin vs. ???

'Alright, what am I staring at exactly?'

=We have an inkling, but we need data.=

<=Combat data.=>

[We didn't provide enough?,] Blazejudicator interjected.[The old sport and me exchanged over a thousand blows against that baboon of a buffoon!]

<=Nope, also terrible wordplay.=>

[Fuck you.]


[What the hell?]

[You know what I meant!]

[Too late, I'm already engaging.]

[Fuck! How am I slower than a mammoth?!]


Oh, why the hell is the script writing itself now?! And how is it doing all this while on fire?

|I think it has to do something with the sheer amount of dragon force and [Chaos] colliding with one another. That or because of crossover shenanigans...either way I got an extinguisher.|


|Let me just...| SPLAT |Uh oh.|