A Pearl that even Swines crave

The creature that the elders had to put down turned out to be some kind of third tier wild boar beast known as a Crimson Haired Hog. Nothing too dangerous, but would definitely serve as a delicious dinner.

However, dinner made from swine's meat was the last thing on their minds as they continued to gawk and stare at the giant [Tempering Spirit Amber Pearl.]

Evidently, the group of wisened warriors were so shocked at that appearance of such a treasure, that the Zhen Clan scions had to spend a couple of moments, literally shaking their parents back to reality.

"Father...you good?"

"Huh? What? Oh yeah, we're fine."

Of course, once they were lucid again, they had questions.

"Just...how did you get your hands on this thing?," Zhen Yan asked his son.

"Oh, Zhen Hai can vouch for me on this, we found it at the bottom of the pond."

"You...you found it?"