Illumination at Sea

'On the one hand, I feel like I should be angry at y'all for having all of this build-up...on the other, I feel like I should be asking Logos and Pathos about the literal [Chaos] pillars that are right below our feet as we speak,' Zhen Liu suddenly interjected as his mind finally finished processing the latest bomb of information. 'Gonna take a wild guess here that y'all don't remember these pillars because of the memory seal.'


'Wait, seriously?'

=And we definitely don't remember any pillars or platforms near her old kingdom.=

'Are...are ya sure?'

As Zhen Liu continued to argue(?) with the curators of Logic and Emotion, Kit opted to continue her story for the sake of the other kaijin.

After all, this was probably going to be an important battle theater for them soon, so they needed every bit of information they could.