A choice between Meek and Mighty(1)

At this moment in time, the Fallen Matriarch and War Elder had become background players as far as Buzza was concerned. Right now, he needed to address his new...clients.

"Huh? Where am I? Where's my tea pot?," the old man with the cane rambled as he darted his head back and forth in confusion.

At the sight of this old man rambling, the slave girl was the first to try and comfort the old elder.

"It's okay Elder Dau. I got you."

"Pfft! You should just leave the old man alone," the foreign royal with a chip on his shoulder admonished. "Then again, maybe you like the taste of old-"


"Huh? Whoa!"

"Holy shit!"

"Huh? Mellie is that you?"

Before the group of weirdos that Buzza had personally hand picked started beating the crap out of each other, he decided to interject himself.