The Shouldn't Exist Prince

A wiseman once said, that a man's true colors are shown in times of desperation.

While that's well and good, it lacks gravitas.

Personally, I like the saying to be: Desperation is the forge of heroes and villains, it simply depends on what they're made of.

Or something like that.

-The words of a scholarly twin, after having to defeat his own.


"Well then, Prince. What is your choice in this matter? Will you defy what the universe has thrusted upon you and live your life as it intends, or do you want to dictate it for yourself?," Buzza asked in a tone of voice suggesting he was teaching people how to invest, and not like he was grafting the parts of dead monsters into people.

"Or perhaps you don't mind continue living as a-"


Seeing as he struck a nerve, Buzza stopped himself and raised his hands in a placating manner. He didn't stop talking though.