Anticipation is painful, but recklessness is worst


'Hmm? What's up Blazejudicator?'

[I don't mean to be a stick in the mud, or in my case a rock in the fireplace, but is there any reason why you haven't brought up the possibility of exploring the Abyssal Lands by your lonesome with the Matriarch? Well, our lonesome, but you understand what I mean.]

'I do, which is why I'm fairly certain we're going to be told "no" in regards to going by ourselves.

[How come? We're stronger than any warrior in the Fallen, especially when we work together.]

'It is not a matter of power, Blazejudicator, it's.... actually, I'll let her explain.'


"Ah...nothing like a freshly baked honey cake after a long day of sealing people into boxes," Zhen Xun Tian thought aloud while munching on said aforementioned cake.

Shortly after leaving the Mailer's Guild, Zhen Xun Tian had dragged Zhen Liu to this little, thankfully local, bakery that specializes in pastries.