Gross Feeling

[Ew, ew, ew! Executor! Why did you dive head first into this filthy swamp water?!,] Blazejudicator complained.

As the only kaijin that could be stored on Zhen Liu in a metaphysical sense, given that they were attached to his soul, they were given a front row seat to almost all of Zhen Liu's actions.

Including ones that disgusted them down to their core, such as diving headfirst into stagnant, putrid swamp water.

Thankfully, Zhen Liu had managed to coat his body in a layer of [Chaos] thick enough to prevent it from touching his skin. If he hadn't, he would've felt an immense amount of slime and movement crawling against his skin.

It was still gross as fuck though.

'Blazejudicator, you're more attached to my brain than the other kaijin. So you know that the [Galleon of the Storm Queen] was...sunk? Submerged? Hidden in the depths of this swamp.'

To emphasize his point, Zhen Liu proceeded to swim a little harder.