Memories, Oh Memories

[Wait, I think I should be providing visuals for this.]

[Oh that's not-]


[Okay, never mind...]


[Is this the last of the refugees?]

[I think so.]

[That's the only reason I can think of having to hide away the galleon, now of all times.]

After hours of back-to-back refugee transports, the sudden silence was both a relieving and anxiety inducing.

Relieving in the sense that the Strange Bloods didn't have to worry about anyone civilians being in harm's way.

Anxiety inducing because, now they had no idea how the Storm Queen and the Storm Knights were fairing.

Every time the galleon arrived with refugees, it was accompanied by a rotating member of the Storm Knights.

A part of the Strange Bloods assumed that this was merely a sense of duty, chivalry in making sure someone guides the people to safety.