Plenty of Column A, Very little of Column B

=...And that should be every single core currently in our store house. You really be using these more often, milord.=

"I'm aware, Logos. I plan to merge a bunch of them into more sense and powerful desires later."

=Not like that, you know what I mean.=

"Yeah, yeah..."

After addressing his medical concerns, and sending the kaijin off to do whatever they wanted in the respective domiciles, Zhen Liu decided now was as good as time any to review his kaijin creation capabilities. More specifically, review his liquid assets.

Over the past few months of galivanting, fighting and being genuine nuisance to those who mean him harm, Zhen Liu had managed to acquire a whole mess of [Cores], aka, the thing needed to give a kaijin their version of a "soul".

Or it was their soul?

To be completely honest, Zhen Liu wasn't entirely sure which it was and it didn't help that not even the kaijin seemed to understand either.