Testimony of the Accused.

[Wait a minute...Executor, you do remember part of my existence consists of the ability to cast "Judgement", right? I could easily just blast him with fire and be done with it,] Blazejudicator suggested while inside of Zhen Liu's soul.

'Keep that on holster. If I think he's lying than you can blast him and we can determine the...actually...can you subtlety burn him?'

[Of course, Executor...why?]

'Just want to see something...'




Cornelius was as silent as the grave in response to Zhen Liu's inquiry. Granted, that could've also been in response to the giant claw holding his throat at this moment.

After several agonizing moments of silence though, Cornelius eventually answered. With a response that was less than desired.

"To be completely honest...not exactly."


"The thing about my splitting is that it leads to me having my memories all jumbled."