Deep Thoughts, Deep Plunge


Jinju Ren was silent as she mulled over Jin Fang's query. She had the distinct feeling that she wasn't the only who had been asked this question, but alas, the provider of that answer wasn't here to serve as a reference.

As such, Jinju Ren gave the one answer she could provide: one based on her own personal experience with being royal.

"Honestly... I'd do it."

"Really? Why?"

"Because I find my own situation of being royalty to be a massive pain in the ass."


Jinju Ren developed an uncharacteristically serious expression as she began to regale Jin Fang with her own feelings on being an Imperial Royal.

"Don't get me wrong, being an Imperial Princess is great. The mere mention of my of my name, or who my father is, is enough to get people quaking in their boots out of fear. Alternatively, it's enough to get someone who doesn't know me on a personal level to try and curry favor with me.'s stupid lonely."