First Contact

Meanwhile as Zhen Xun Tian decided to catch up on lost family time...

[Welp, I'm getting a whole lot of nothing. What about you?]

[Negative, my dancing razor bladed boo.]

[Please don't call me that.]

[What about Razzie?]


[BTW, are you having issues with the local wildlife? They seem to be running scared from me.]

[Same, although, that's not a bad thing.]

Since their job this time around was to act like actual scouts and not spying toys, both Razorstella and Hurricroak opted to remain in their fully grown kaijin forms as they flew in the respective directions of their assignments.

Now, if a normal aether warrior attempted to do what these two were doing, it would end with them getting constantly assaulted by both the creatures living in the [Shadow Water] and the [Shadow Water] itself. Thankfully, the kaijin were like Zhen Xun Tina, Zhen Shi and Zhen Hai, as in, they were both exceptions to the rule.