Old Souls Clashing once more

'Hey, Razorstella. We're like...stupid close to the front gate. Is Tortallion still cool with letting us in, or...'

[Er...sorta? He mentioned something about needing to give your great grandaunt and the boneless bastard empowering her a "proper" welcome. Whatever the hell that means.]

'Ah, dammit.'


"Xiao Liu, why are you having the puppets tie ropes around our waist and attached to the mast."

"Just trust me on this."

"But the entrance to Undertow is right there!"

"Again, just trust me."

Once the expeditionary force passes the rock formations, they were now a hop, skip and a jump away from the doorstep of the Undertow Kingdom.

At first, many of the Zhen Clan warriors assumed that it was a myth, or at the very least, it was an entirely different underground kingdom.