Meeting For Real this time

'Wait a this that [Chaos Aura] thật you gúy were talking about?,' Zhen Liu asked Logos and Pathos as he tried to comprehend how warriors this old were just rolling with being treated like children. Then again, Tortallion was highly intimidating.

=Normally, the innate [Chaos] you and the kaijin produce make your opponents feel more aggravated, hence they act ruder, cruder and tend to be easier to deal with in straightforward brawls.=

'Huh...I guess in Tortallion's case though, they amp up the shame and they get more...childish?'

<=From the looks of it, yes.=>


Much to the chagrin to the beleaguered attackers from the Undertow Council, Zhen Xun Tian and Tortallion continued to gossip with one another like doting grandparents right in front of them. That stated, not even the Zhen Clan delegation was safe from the friendly fire.