A Turtle, A Mammoth and a Toad, walk onto a ship...

At around the same time a zako was getting man handled...



[Dying of boredom.]

[And that's why I'm reading a book up here.]

When Zhen Liu assigned Hurricroak, Frosttusk and Spring Brawler to guard the ship, the trick knew that this was probably going to be the most boring assignment in their existences.

Undertow was built inside of a walled harbor, behind a series of defensive and camouflaging arrays, meaning that the chances of malefactors, monsters and or anything remotely dangerous coming and attacking the ship was less than zero.

There was a chance of internal sabotage, in the form of extremist citizens, but with the information they were receiving from the others and Zhen Liu, suggested that the people of Undertow would rather hide behind their doors than try to fight or sabotage.