I See Magical Girls

As soon as Jin Fang said that one, magical little word,her hairpin began to glow. Shortly after that, the claw made of [Chaos] on her hand began to glow before detaching itself and transforming into a blue and green osprey-like creature.

Granted, unlike normal ospreys, this one looked significantly cuddlier, had big round eyes and had enough concentrated [Chaos] in its tiny form to cause damage to kaijin.

This little bundle of joy was known as Coral.

[Imma go pick up some speed, be right back, big sis!,] Coral chirped before flying out of the door that he and Jin Fang came flying through earlier.

As the strangely cartoon-like osprey flew forward, a series of floating [Chaos] arrays appeared one after the other, forming a perfect line between Jin Fang and her bird.

'At some point, I should probably ask Pathos if this running path thing is actually necessary for the transformation...wait a minute, did I just get into my mother's tomb?'