Bad guys can grow too

{Inheritance protocol at thirty-five percent. Design drafts for Chambers one through three have been finalized...}


[ didn't end that pleasantly, did it?,] Tortallion mumbled to himself as a dream of peace played through his mind like a memory. [It was more like...,]

Once he realized that his memories should've been more violent, he remembered the actual first time he met Terra...and how it was also the last time he saw any of his friends again...

[After that moment, trouble came and...wait...what is this nostalgic feeling? No...why does this feeling feel wrong?]


[Chaos Art: Storm Surge!]

Channeling her inhuman heritage and the [Chaos] flowing through her veins, Terra's entire body began to glow as arcs of electricity spontaneously formed up and down her entire being.

[That's not good,] Gao Ao Long concluded as he felt the [Chaos] surging from Terra's body. [I better.]