Receding Tides(1)

"That nasty of a fortress, huh?," Jin Fang asked, once she noticed the sour aura of Zhen Liu's posture. She would normally read his face, but he was still wearing his [Stigma] and refused to take it off until battle was over.

"Yup," Zhen Liu nodded. "I'm fairly certain the defenses they're using aren't meant to fire bolts of [Chaos] infused water at us, but it appears they figured out a way to do. How annoying."

"Oh, it's not too bad, honey," Jin Fang said as she got in closer to Zhen Liu to comfort him. "I'm sure you'll come up with something clever or reckless to win. You always do."

"Thanks, Xiao Fang."

' lord to lord and like mother and daughter, I suppose,' Tortallion observed as he watched the couple interact with one another.

He had initially wanted to go over immediately to confirm that the young woman floating next to the current Kaijin Lord was indeed his progenitor's daughter, but he lost his nerve part way there.