Primordial Beasts

From an outsider's perspective...




This entire battle, this entire day, had just been escalation after escalation.

First came a tidal wave filled with enemies, then came an elite squad of warriors with stolen kaijin body parts and then the force responsible for both of these incidents , decided to bring back an ancient weapon that almost destroyed Undertow centuries ago.

Many people caught up in this mess wanted nothing more than hide somewhere safe and wait for it to all blow over.

As for those caught in the middle of all this noise willingly, as a participant in this battle, they were now stunned silent as they beared witness to back-to-back monstrosities appearing one after the other.

After the [Shadow Sovereign] showed up, the guardian of Undertow had transformed into a giant turtle and had begun to use its body to defend the city from the former's devastating breath attack.