Back to the Bison


We interrupt this chapter to inform readers that we will now be switching to the perspective of the Zhen Clan members that were still in Stampeding Bison during the entirety of the [Abyssal Lands] campaign.

The reason it hasn't been in focus up until now though was due to it being incredibly boring.

One can only describe: train, build, repeat so many times until monotony sets in.

But now, that situation was reversed.

Zhen Liu's return to Blessed Willow was incredibly uneventful, with the only conversations of interest being this.


[I just realized something,] Springerdermain brought up with his fellow kaijin. [Why didn't we just set up a teleporation array to connect Undertow to Stampeding Bison too? Or at the very least, to Blessed Willow City? Either one would make the commute easier.]