(Un)planned Events

On the one hand, Zhen Liu was a touch thrilled at the prospect of his family learning how to wield [Chaos] this early.

Zhen Liu had always planned for this possibility. He figured that, at some point in his future, that he would have to leave Stone Claw for an extended period of time in order to progress in his cultivation or to keep his family safe while he went to deal with the growing list of enemies he had.

Aside from leaving behind some more kaijin behind to act as guards, he figured it would be more efficient if his family learned how to use [Chaos] as well, since it could be used to deter a fuckton of enemy Aether warriors.

That, and the more people who learned [Chaos] in his family, the less likely outsiders would direct their attention towards him.

Easier to hide a tree in the forest, or something like that.