...And Into Someone's Backyard

As the general shock of being launched at mach three away from his home city and kaijin began to wear off, Zhen Liu decided to focus his mind on what to do next.

Namely, how he was going to find an opportunity to get home as soon as possible. Because his ability to do so was very reliant on where he landed.

Thankfully, he had someone to bounce his thoughts off of to help refine his plans.

'Okay, best case scenario is that we land somewhere in the middle of nowhere that will enable to draw a door to the library,' Zhen Liu informed the kaijin in his soul. 'Granted, it also precludes to us having a surface that I can draw a door into...'

[What if we end up someplace that prevents us from using the Key to Nowhere?,] Blazejudicator pointed out. [Or worse, it somehow gets stolen or broken?]

Zhen Liu was silent for a moment as he formulated his thoughts on how to address these possible scenarios proposed by this burning judge of a Kaijin.