Intergenerational Grudge

Before we begin...

'So this is what it feels wield the power of an Aether Lord,' Lythero thought to himself as soon as he could feel his consciousness being in the present again. 'Alright. Let's put it to good use.'

...Now to the fun part...

^ it over?^

^From the feel of it...yes.^

^Alright, shield down.^

As soon as they sensed that Lythero had finished releasing hellfire upon them, Kendana, Leon and Rama proceeded to stop channeling their collective aether into the golden tortoise shell surrounding them.

Once they did that, the aforementioned tortoise shell proceeded to break down into aether particles that dissipated into the air.

That said, the sight that they were seeing now wasn't exactly a pleasant one.

^By the Ashen Saints...^

^It appears, it was a good call to combine our powers and hunker down...^

^There's no way we could've survived all of...this.^