Treasure is pointless if you can't use it.

On the other side of a screen...

[Wait a minute...I just realized something important,] Springerdermain suddenly said aloud amongst his fellow kaijin.

At this point in time, the kaijin had lost their anxiety of losing track of their creator/master, because Logos and Pathos had more or less triangulated his position as being somewhere in the vicinity of a place called Papaya Town.

Not only that, but the twin curator spirits had confirmed that they could now more or less track their lord via the zakos he had just created.

Meaning that, for all intents and purposes, they were now closer than ever in retrieving their lord and repairing his jank connection.

So the fact that Spingerdermain thought it was prudent to bring up something he found odd about the current situation was a touch worrying.

As such, the reactions to Springerdermain's sudden realization wasn't exactly positive.