One Last Trick

^But with all that in mind, we should probably get ready to leave soon,^ Zhen Liu eventually said in response to Lythero's stunned expression.

^Okay...why?,^ Lythero asked, afraid of the answer.

^Because the seals placed on Leon, Kendana and Rama should probably be wearing off in the next hour or so, and we don't want to be here when they get back. Just because we managed to beat the shit out of them before, doesn't mean I want to go through another battle this early in the morning,^ Zhen Liu explained.

'That and because I'm technically running on a limited engine as well,' he thought to himself.

^Ah...let me at least get something in my stomach.^

^Of course, although, you only got about thirty or so minutes.^

^Well...that's nostalgic,^ Lythero commented.
