Old vs New Money

The question Zhen Xing had posed wasn't entirely out of left field.

One of the oldest sources of conflicts known to man has always been the distribution of resources, and nowhere was this conflict more noticeable than the conflict between old money and new money.

Which in this case meant the Golden Gorilla Union and the Silver Jungle Dragon Shipping, respectively.

The Golden Gorilla Union had been one of the first groups to lay roots in Amber Shore, and establish itself as a mainstay by constructing and maintaining all of the storage warehouses in the region.

For a rather long time, the Golden Gorilla Union had maintained this monopoly and thrived under the leadership of their founder, Kongara Dodorado.

Unfortunately, these good times came to an end about six years ago, when their founder had died fighting an actual Goldenback Gorilla.

Many tears were shed that day, irony be damned.