A really useful map

"Wait, hidden areas? They actually sold you a map that had them?,"Zhen Liu asked with an incredulous tone of voice.



A little after Zhen Liu had met up with the guy portion of his expedition group, they were soon joined by Kidanna and the girls, Alicia, Alice, Bellona and Harriet.

Apparently, Lythero was telling the truth that Kidanna was acquiring a map for them to use during their raid on the [City of Mirrors].

That stated, Zhen Liu couldn't help but be a little suspicious about the aformentioned map since it came from a third party source.

Perhaps he was spoiled by the fact that he had an army of scouts at his beck and call that were completely loyal to him, but Zhen Liu couldn't help but look down on the fact that this map came from a group that apparently supplied maps to both sides of a conflict.