
"I am the president." Ace said, raising his hands as he walked up to the boy with messy, blue hair and unbuttoned shirt, with unironed trousers and blazer hanging from his shoulder.

He also had several piercings on his ears with many different shapes and sizes of earrings that hung from them.

Ace smiled as he took his appearance in.

"You are the president?" he asked, frowning at Ace.

"Yes. It is nice to meet you, I am A-"

"That doesn't matter." He rudely interrupted him as the other three came up behind him, staring at the boy. "I don't care about your name, or who you are."

"Oh? I see." Ace said. "What do you want from me then?"

"My sister." he began as Ace held up his hands to stop him.

"Why don't you sit down here first and then we can talk."

He indicated to the table at the centre of the room but the boy shook his head.

"Why not?"

"I only came here to give you a complaint," he said, frowning as he got uncomfortably close to Ace.

Leon was about to say something but Ace stopped him, "Go ahead. We have several of them here. There is something I have to deal with and then I will get to that."

"No, I need you to deal with this now." He said, grabbing Ace by the collar. "If you don't-"

"Who do you think you are address-"Fira was about to summon her magic but Ace held his hand up to stop her.

He placed his hand on top of the boy's and said, "Silas Longbow. I think you need to calm down first, ok?"

"How do you know my name?" He asked, sneering at the boy in front of him.

How will I not know your name? You were one of my favourite character in the game. The second hardest to romance as compared to Ace but his was worth it, unlike the latter.

He is just a big puppy at heart but that trope has already been done, so it needs no proper explanation. Yet, people still eat this trope up like their life depends on it.

"Your name badge." He said, pointing to the name on the side of his blazer.

"Oh." He said, putting Ace down. "Sorry."

"Hey, it's alright. I can see that you are in a very tense situation." He said, smiling at him. "You said something about your sister?"

"Ah, yes." He said, handing him the paper without looking at Ace. "Here. I wrote the complaint down."

Ace read it and realised that he has read this complaint before. Turning around, he walked to the pile that Fira made and looked through the papers until he found it.

So this is it.

"Is your sister Beatrix Longbow?" he asked, holding the two papers as he walked to him.

"Yes. She said that she submitted a complaint over the summer break but hasn't heard a word from you all. I thought her complaint had been lost so I wrote another one and came here every day during the break to submit it."

"But it's never open. Until today."

"That would be my fault," Grecia said as the two glared at her. "I lost the keys and that caused us to have a bit of problem here. Hence the room."

"I can see," he said, looking at some of the papers piled on the floor as Ace still read the papers.

"Well?" Silas asked relentlessly but Ace didn't answer.

He was busy trying to figure out what is happening at the moment and not really reading it though.

Accidentally making eye contact with Fira, he asked for help with his eyes and she rolled hers, before walking to Silas.

"While the president is looking over your complaint." She said, pulling a riding crop from her pocket. "I need to ask you about your attire."


"What is with your hair? Your earrings are fine but what is that shirt? Did you not have anyone to help with your clothes?"

Ace smiled gratefully at her as he walked into the same room that Grecia went in before and cleared his throat. "Cleo."

"Yes?" The fox appeared in front of him, grinning. "I was wondering when you were going to call me."

"What is happening?" he asked, trying to keep his voice down. "Silas didn't have a sister in the game. Also, Ace and Silas never met, except that one time they got in trouble with the Student Councils."

"Remember that thing you did? Last night?"

"Going back in time?" Ha asked, crouching on the floor while Cleo looked up at him.

"Yes! Do you know that that was what happened to Ajax in the original timeline? That was how he got recognised by the king. Because of this, there is a dominos kind of effect.

"Silas suddenly has a sister because he had one in the previous timeline. The original timeline is starting to form and the game has no choice but to go with it.

"Especially since the system is making sure it get closer and closer to that."

"But ... About meeting Silas, Ajax met him before?"

"He did but Ajax is still older than him and ... well, he only knew him to be the king. Ajax also wouldn't remember him if he was brought up.

"This is still a game, remember that," Cleo said, whispering in his ears as it hopped on his shoulders.

"Unless this game ends and you have made enough choices for the system to not be able to revert back to a game, then you know it is not anymore."

"You say that it is kind of following the original timeline." Ace said, looking at Cleo. "Does that mean that the first mission the king sent Ace on, Ajax did the exact same thing?"

"Yes." Cleo hopped up and down. "That is what happened."

"Then ... aren't I turning to someone like Ajax?? Isn't that a bad thing?"

"The system is going to try and make sure that does not happen. Maybe that is why Silas is introduced to you as well. To be the friend that Ajax never had."

"Maybe," he said, nodding his head as they heard a creak.

"Oh, I should go."

"But ... what about the-"

"Tonight," Cleo said as he heard a commotion and Silas was just inches from Ace's face once again.

"Do you know nothing about personal space?" Ace asked, pushing him back. "What is it?"

"I have been waiting for weeks. I need you to take care of this now." Silas said threateningly.

"Of course." Ace said, smiling. He has lost control of his body completely once again.

"I will no- what. What?"

"I was trying to take care of this right now actually," he said, looking at the papers in his hands. "You may go back to your class. I will see what I can do, alright?"

"Oh. Ok. Good then." he said, about to walk out of the room but Ace couldn't let him go just yet.

Fighting to control his body again, he forced himself to control it again and quickly shouted, "Wait!"

"What?" Silas asked, turning around and looking at his sleeve that Ace grabbed. "Didn't you tell me to go to class?"

"I did." Ace said, a little clumsy as his body wrestled against him. "I was wondering ... if you would like to help me."

Just saying that sentence felt like he was going to bite his tongue out at any second.

"Help you?" he asked, thinking for a second as Leon walked into the room.

"President! You can't do that," he said. "He has class. Unless you are in the Student Council, you cannot just roam the halls."

"That is true," Fira said, walking to them.

"There is a but, isn't there, Fira?" He asked, leaning against the wall to support himself.

"We are in need of a historian." She said, thinking. "He seems like he will be able to work as a historian."

"That is true. He has amazing marks and also has the best handwriting." Ace said, showing the paper that Silas wrote on.

"He does have really pretty handwriting," Fira said as Grecia appeared and looked at it as well.

"Ooooo~. Pretty handwriting." She said, looking at the paper. "I approve of him being the historian."

"That is three against one." Leon sighed. "Fine. We can appoint him as the historian."

"Hey, I didn't say that I agree to be here or not. I am nothing like you all. Why would I be in the student council? Won't the administration say something?"

"What can they say if the president has appointed you?" Grecia said, laughing. "You are funny."


Ace pulled him to the side, getting better control of his body and whispered to Silas, "I am assuming that you know what your sister wrote. You wish to take revenge for your sister, don't you?"

"I do but he is a teacher." He said, frowning. "I can't touch him."

"Not if you are in the Student Council." He said, smiling. "You can touch him all you want then. No one will have anything to say. Besides, I am about to spy on him now."

"President!" They turned to see Fira throwing a box at Ace who caught it without flinching.

In the box is the badge of the Student Council Historian. "This is yours. But only if you want it. If not, you can just sit back and let someone else deal with that man. But ... I can't guarantee that he will be given a satisfying punishment."

Silas stared at Ace, whose green eyes started to gleam with the sunlight from the window.

"Fine." He took the badge. "Promise that I will have the first hit."

