Story Break

"Hey!" he heard someone call to him and Ace quickly opened his eyes with a gasp.

He looked around him, touching his arms and face to make sure he was alive.

"Hey, relax. Relax." He heard a familiar voice and looked to see Cleo on his lap. "Are you ok?"

"W-what happened?" He asked, swallowing hard as he saw that he was on the ground but still in the frozen place.

"You spaced out and then fainted," Cleo said, concern written all over its face. "Are you ok?"

"I …" he swallowed, wiping the sweat on his brow. "I saw something."

"What did you see?"

"I don't know. I was in the castle, I think it was the courtroom. Everyone was accusing me of destroying the kingdom and I died. I think Ajax died as well. What was that?"

"One of your futures," Cleo said, slightly spaced out. "That was the fate that awaited you tonight if you went to the castle."

"But … it wasn't my intention to destroy that kingdom, even if the king said to." Ace said, looking at the mark on his wrist. "I lost control of my magic. No matter how hard I tried to control it, it only did the worst."

"Must be that spell then," Cleo said, looking at the thing on his wrist. "That is the reason you are in such a predicament now."

"What do you mean?"

"The spell is going a little haywire. So it may take you to different times during the week of your stay here. I can't tell when it will transport you again, just be prepared."

"I don't understand though." Ace said, pressing his head in his hands as he pulled his knees closer to his chest. "I did what he told me to do. Even if it wasn't intentional. Why was I killed?"

"Because you were only a pawn." It said, frowning. "You were sent to a powerful, yet peaceful kingdom and your magic decides to act that way.

"It is not a coincidence. You were meant to take them out as they are the kingdom that caused the most problems for your kingdom." It said, shaking its head. "Once you took it out, it is easier to take you out.

" 'The problematic prince is taken care of.' They will be seen as a hero or just people who are doing what they believe is best for the kingdom. That is just how everything works here."

"That isn't fair." Ace whined. "I literally saw myself die. I even felt the pain when that chandelier crashed onto me."

"Chandelier??" Cleo asked, looking at him with a surprised expression on his face. "What do you mean 'chandelier'?"

"Why do you look so surprised?" He asked, tilting his head to the fox. "Was that not what happened before?"

"No." It said, shaking its head. "How you died was by your father impaling you and turning you into a statue."

"That was what happened to Ajax." Ace said, eyes widening. "So, that meant that … he died?"

"Yes." It shook its head. "Why did the storyline change? That was slightly abrupt."

"So, what does that mean? Is it a good or bad thing?"

"I don't know," Cleo said, flying around. "I can't tell if this means something good or something bad. But I can tell you this, the storyline is going to keep getting more and more confusing. The story is going off course and … well … so is everything else.

"Midway, the story might just change and … you may want to be careful. It could do serious damage to your memory."

"And, how exactly am I supposed to be careful?" He asked sceptically, slightly annoyed at the same time. "It is not like I have that ability to do that."

"I will help you," Cleo said, exasperated. "You humans and your constant whining."

"I wasn't whining." Ace argued back as Cleo flew to the table and sat on the carrots on his plate.

"If you say so, kid." It said sighing. "Now, let me brief you on this kingdom really quickly. "Do you notice anything about this kingdom?"

Ace looked around and stared at the heads of the … people around the banquet hall and nodded, "Their heads?"

"Exactly." It nodded. "They are a different species of people that exists because of a mutation that affected their … appearances."

"I see." He said, looking at the front of the table to see a man with a goat's head sitting there. "Are all the citizens here like this as well?"

"Yes. This kingdom started out as a kind of 'detainment centre' for these people once the mutation broke out. They were outcasts but as time went on, they learned to use their resources and became strong on their own.

"It was impressive fete because, now, many of the kingdoms that looked down on them, are trying to make relations in order to expand their resources.

"They did not realise just how profitable this kingdom was when they sent them all here. This place was filled with dangerous creatures and the people suspected that they will be taken out in no time.

"But that did not happen. They, somehow, managed to tame the creatures and are now powerful people, especially when it comes to war.

"They have only ever allowed people that looked or are like them to enter the kingdom. They do have delegates sent to other kingdoms so that they can expand their reach but no one has been allowed in the kingdom. You are the first one ever since this kingdom was built."

"Why me?" Ace asked, frowning slightly as he sat back down on the cushioned chair. "I am sure there are a lot of other people who would be better to invite."

"Your father." It said, smiling at him. "And great grandfather and great great grandfather. They are the main reason you are allowed here."


"As this kingdom was created and slowly rising up, your great, great grandfather extended a helping hand. Then in your great grandfather's time, they helped them during a war that almost destroyed their kingdom.

"Then your grandfather helped them by sending supplies and also manpower anytime they needed it. It wasn't much, but he did give all he could and they were grateful for that.

"They did feel suspicious that they were helping without asking anything in return. They thought either of the three would ask for something but they died without even asking a thing in return.

"So when your father sent out messengers that he wanted to send his dear son, who just lost his mother brutally and tragically, to a different kingdom for a week so that he could grieve in peace.

"That if there was a kingdom that would be willing to take him in just for that week and he would be sure to repay their kindness.

"Which kingdom do you think would reach out the quickest?"

"But … if they are that helpful, wouldn't other kingdoms feel that way as well?" Ace asked, fiddling with the fork in his hands.

"That is true. And your … family has been helpful to as many people as they could, that is why they are so revered. At the same time, the other kingdoms have been able to 'repay' their kindness, so to say.

"Remember, this kingdom only started rising up not too long ago and they were not as powerful as they are now. Only in your father's reign, are they able to stand on their own without relying on your kingdom."

"I see. So they feel obliged to extend a helping hand."

"They are not as obliged as they are grateful. This kingdom wouldn't have been here without your family after all." Cleo shrugged as Ace played with his carrot.

"Why does he want me to take them out then? If they are people that feel indebted to our kingdom. Why is that?" Ace thought, still playing with his carrots.

"Perhaps, it could be because they have grown strong enough to be able to go against your kingdom. Besides, they do not work on the theory that lets their gratitude go against everything they believe in. Even your father knows that."

"I see. They are the ones standing in this way." Ace nodded. "So that is why he wants them gone. But … how is he so sure I will be able to take them out."

"That is exactly the thing," Cleo said, looking at him dead in the eyes. "He doesn't."

"He took a gamble with me." Ace said, eyes widening as he remembered how that man's eyes lit in amusement and his voice sounded more happy than angry.

He was pleasantly amused that he was able to take out that kingdom though he could see a hint of regret in his eyes when he looked at Ace.

He did not want to get rid of the boy but he can't have someone there that has the power to go against him. Taking Ajax and Ace out at the same time was a bonus.