Back To the Past

Ace left for home the next day with the boy in the carriage with him upon his orders.

"Let's be friends." Ace said, smiling gleefully at the boy as the carriage began to move.

"Your majesty, I think you sh-" Before he could finish his sentence, the entire place faded away and Ace was back in his house, hanging upside down with his leg tied to the ceiling.

"This wasn't how I expected to wake up as." Ace chuckled, reaching up and cutting the rope with the dagger he got from the man in his room before.

Now, what is happening here? He looked around the place, it looks like the palace Ajax and he stays in, with the bare walls where paintings used to be there and carpeted floors with tons of stairs everywhere.

"Ajax!" Ace shouted, walking up the flight of stairs.

The sunlight streamed in through the windows, brightening up the place. Though it is the silence that is unnerving him.