What Happened?

"Information you don't know of?" River asked, putting his hand on Ace's shoulder. "How would they even get a hold of that?" 

"I don't know." General Longbow said, "I cannot tell. They have not been very cooperative in talking about anything." 

"I see." Ace said, nodding. "You have only been questioning them, right? No torture." 

"Yes. We only questioned. I hope they did not do anything out of my orders." he paused for a second before smiling, "But they are a lazy lot here, so I am not worried." 

"I- I see."

"General!" they heard a shout and looked up to see a young man in a uniform running to them with a broad grin. 

Almost instantly, everyone outside the house turned to them with disdain in their eyes and some kind of menacing aura that Ace couldn't help feel his skin crawl over. 

"Cadet Raymond." General Longbow saluted him. "It has been a while. Were you waiting for us?"