
I am not sure what I am doing. Ace thought, staring at the women screaming in pain as they laid on the ground coughing like all the air in their body had been sucked out. 

I don't think I have complete control of my body either but I know that I AM moving of my own accord. 

There are horrible people out in the world. He thought, looking at them blankly. They have to be one of the worse that I have to meet. 

Is that why I can just watch them writhe in pain and only keep wishing I could give them even more pain? I wonder, am I even normal at this point? 

Well, if I am bad ... they are worse. 

In his memories flashed images of people in pits with other creatures as people around them watched them get torn to bits. 

He could see the pieces of flesh everywhere and the laughter mixed in with screams and pleas of mercy.