
Ace sent Asher ahead of him with the General while he got a quick lesson from Ina. A very quick lesson. 

"I will show you something first," Ina said, as they stood behind the building. With a wave of his hands, he was immediately consumed with the colour green. "You know which I am, right?" 

"Envy." Ace said, looking at the boy closely. "I remember." 

"Very good." The boy said, giving him a thumbs up. "You need to understand something about us. We are not necessarily what our sin is." 

"What do you mean?" 

Ina turned to Ace, pointing at him, "You are either Lust or Greed. Judging by your character, I am guessing you are Lust." 

"Oh. How did you know?" 

Ina smiled at him, pride written all over his face, "If you observe father long enough, you will be able to tell which sin he will give to which child. You look like you could care less about anything related to lust, so you obviously will have lust."