
Ace remembered the mark and then the place where the mark was and then who placed that make on her, putting all three together. 

Clapping his hands together, Ace said, "That old man is a big pervert." 

"No," Hera said, looking at the boy with a slightly pitying expression on her face. "He has no interest in those things, except to make children. It would seem." 

"Well, you are not wrong." Ace said, remembering all the other brothers and sisters he has. "But I think he has stopped caring now. It is only a matter of time before he can find the next child to take over that position as the seventh gift. 

"I hope the child is younger than me but, at the same time, I hope they are a little older than me too." Ace sighed, running his hands through his hair. "There are too many child 'heros' after all."