
"Can I do it now? It won't take long." Ace said, knowing that he will suddenly become extremely busy the moment he leaves the room. 


"Go ahead." 

"I will take that sword from you." Ina took the sword from Ace. "We do not want you to hurt yourself accidentally, now do we?" 

"Sure." Ace said, closing his eyes as he jumped into his mind. This time it is easier than the first or second time. 

I guess I can do that faster and better the more I do it." He thought, looking around the darkness. "Ardor! Where are you?" 


"You certainly do like to make your presence known." A familiar voice said, walking to him. "Though I must say, I am happy that you remembered me." 

"As if I will ever forget you." Ace said, waving his hands in the air. "I apologise, I did not realise that our connection severed."