
How many times did I already say that I am tired? I lost count … but I don't think I am done being tired yet. Unfortunately. 

"Ace! Go to the bathroom and-" River walked out of the closet, holding a bunch of clothes in his arms. He paused, staring at the two in the room, looking at each other so intensely, not turning from each other. "Is something wrong?" 

"River, I need you to step out for a couple of minutes." Ace said, not turning to him at all. 


"Yeah, I need to talk to him." Ace said, glancing at him from the corner of his eyes. "Just give us ten minutes. We have that time, right?" 

River looked between the two, narrowing his eyes at Egon but walked to Ace and handed him the uniform he pulled out of the closet. 

"As long as you get ready as you talk." He said, smiling at him. "I am going to go and ask them for breakfast." River then turned to Egon, almost giving him a threatening expression. "Ten minutes."