
"Oh?" Ace said, tilting his head to the side, a little confused. "Ok? Why do I have to hurry to the wax museum?" 

[*sigh* I thought you read the lore, or have you forgotten about it already?] 

"Lore?" Ace asked, before taking off in the direction that Luna showed to him. "About what? The Wax museum? They have a wax museum here?" 

[Yes … The wax museum is one of the checkpoints to the story. I don't understand how you forgot about it.] 

"Is it in the cut scenes?" 

[Yes. In every one of the cut scenes.] 

"Oh." He said, still not remembering anything. "I … uh … can't seem to remember anything." 

[Are you going to tell me that you forgot about the importance of the Longbow's garden too?] 

"Longbow's garden?" A flash of the rare 'Ace' card he could obtain suddenly flashed through his mind. "Oh yeah. I remember that but … I did not get to see the lore."