The Surprising Prophecy

The assassin's head rolled on the floor as Caesar cut it clean off with his sword, standing beside Vincent. Blood spluttered down the assassin's severed body and splattered on the walls. Caesar turned to Vincent as he bowed his head, "I am sorry I killed him, your Majesty, but he was showing too much disrespect towards you."

Vincent sighed and rubbed his face, "It is fine, he deserves worse, and we still have one assasin to answer our questions."

"Thank you, your Majesty." Caesar said as he raised his head and pushed his sword back in its strap across his torso.

Vincent turned around and started for the door. Caesar walked with him and opened the door for him, holding it open. Vincent walked out of the cell and headed to the next cell. He opened the door and walked in before Caesar finished closing the door of the previous cell.