The Demon Queen's Family And Friends

Zach turned to the rest, "And I shall see you all later."

"Good bye." Harriet and Fiona said as Alexander replied, "I will see you then."

Zach nodded, and turned around with Andrew to walk out of the palace. Quinn glanced at Alexander and Fiona as she said, "We will let you two have some time alone."

"Alright, we will see you later." Alexander replied while Fiona blushed and smiled shyly.

Harriet let go of Quinn's arm as Vincent nodded at Alexander. He and Quinn turned around to walk to the castle while Harriet followed after them as well as their guards and maids. She rushed to catch up with them as she excitedly said, "Quinn, when are we having time together as old friends. I am sorry, King Vincent, but I would like to talk to my friend without you always hovering around."