The Elementalist Lord.

Before the death of Zyda and Rolam's parents, the two lived a luxurious and happy life. They were still rich, but the demise of their parents shattered the siblings.

Zyda was born at night standard silent and starless night with a bright full moon that shone with pride. There were no howling winds, and only the singing crickets from the nearest bushes could be seen through a decent-sized aluminum window of a blue-painted ward in a large hospital. Besides the window stood a hospital bed larger than that of a regular hospital. 

It was a VIP ward.

A pretty woman with long black hair holding a small infant in her arms sat on the bed. A handsome man sat beside her, staring at the infant in the woman's arms with affectionate black eyes. The couple looked at each other happily as they gazed at the tiny slumbering infant.

The small infant was a girl with a chubby cute face and tiny beautiful features. On its forehead were V-shaped lines that glowed, emitting a white light that shocked the parents.

Initially, they thought it was the moon's rays, but the lines seemed to shine brighter than the moon. The parents realized something wasn't right.

The glow of the lines incited with the moonlight turning the full moon to a blue crescent turning night. The crescent moon displayed a variety of strange features were displayed on the infant's forehead.

In an instance, a strange heavy male voice spoke invisibly.

"Keep the kid mundane." the voice said.

"Who are you..?" the child's father asked, putting up a brave front as a man.

Meanwhile, the woman beside her shivered with fear, firmly hugging her baby closer.

"Haha," laughed the voice in amusement. "You'll know when the right time comes. Till then, comrades, keep mundane!" the voice calmly concluded, and it kept silent.

The glowing light had vanished by the time the voice stopped talking. Everything went back to normal, and the rest of the night went peacefully.

Two weeks later, it was the naming ceremony for the infant. The Sylph family was large, but only the closest relatives participated in the naming ceremony. A large banquet was held at the Sylph mansion, which majestically stood beside the Sagani ocean. The estate lay on the outskirts of Sagani city, and only wealthy personnel owned houses in this area. The vicinities were quite homey, and exquisite gardens of roses surrounded the house, with a large fountain situated at the center of the mansion.


A red-bearded old man dressed in a long royal blue beautiful robe appeared in an exquisitely designed Italian bedroom, with a baby cot placed at the furthest right side corner of the room. His red eyes glinted in bliss when he glanced at an infant's small cute round face. 

The little creature was in its bed playing. It smiled at the bearded man with its miniature black eyes wide.

Rushing into the room in search of something, a woman came face to face with an unfamiliar face of a red-bearded old man with attractive features carrying a sleeping infant in his arms. The woman was shocked and wary at the same time.

"Who are-" the woman tried to ask.

"Shh! she's sleeping," the man gently shushed the lady, flashing her a friendly smile as he walked back and forth with the slumbering baby in his arms.

"Zyda..." the old bearded man suddenly whispered.

"Wh... that!" the woman stammered.

"Zyda's her name."

"But who are you? "

"Haha. I'm Lodomore," the old man spoke, chuckling. He caressed his beard marvelously. "I'm the Elementalist lord of the magic realm. Your daughter is my blood, and your next child will be a serpent shadow." He placed the baby back on the cot and cast a serene gaze at the woman.

"Wh.. what do you mean your blood?" the woman asked, shivering with fear at the solemn look on the old man's face. For his eyes glinted truth.

"Click" went the door as a middle-aged man with sharp, attractive features entered the room.

"I've been waiting for your arrival, Cien Sylph right? " the old man casually acknowledged the man with a small smile.

"What's your business?" the man stepped forward to confront the old man wearing a solemn chilly look. But the old man was neither bothered nor intimidated by his facial expressions.

"Just passed by to see my blood."

"What do you mean you-"

"Whoosh," vanished the old man before he could finish his statement.

Turning to face his wife, who was now holding the baby, he softly asked, " What did he say?"

The woman stared at the infant, who was now covered with immensely glinting V-shaped lines.

"This kid has supernatural powers Cien!" the woman whispered at her husband.


The man remained silent.

"We must do something about this oldie. He sounds like he's hiding something. We must find out," he whispered back. His eyes at the infant in the cot. The duo's parents did not know of the dangers ahead of them. Fortunately, the banquet ended gracefully as the Cien couple accepted the name Zyda.

As Zyda grew, her supernatural powers also increased, but they didn't show. Meanwhile, Rolam was born premature and weak, always the sickly boy. He did not show any supernatural powers till one time when he was 10 years old.

It was a breezy evening; at the shores of the Sagani ocean stood a ten-year-old boy dressed in casual clothes and a pair of reading glasses. He held a sketch pad in his right hand and a thick pencil in the other hand. He stared at the ocean tides with an intense gaze as though he was mad at the ocean. His mood was not good; his shiny black hair smoothly blew with the winds forcing a few strands to cover his face. His black eyes twinkled, brows twitched from time to time as though something had built up in his mind.

The boy's black eyes transformed into red eyes similar to those of a hungry wild beast ready to attack. His features marred no emotion; however fast, his heart thumped at an incredible speed. Eyes on the ocean, a big black misty cloud, a shape of a serpent shielded his head. The atmosphere automatically darkened.

He subconsciously broke the pencil in his left hand. He felt blood boil in his veins at the speed of lightning. An enormous black character of a serpent appeared on his left shoulder, and everything returned normal the next minute. That was the beginning of a magical adventure for the Sylph's heirs.