Mystery of the magic realm.

A thousand years ago there existed a peaceful and harmonized realm. A mixture of humans and magicians, it was a communal world not until a plague erupted. The original dimension was called the Panacea realm. It was separated by the Dark demon Lord named the Drone. He haunted lesser magicians mundanes of which the latter were humans turning them into stray demonic monsters that he controlled.

Only the pure magicians were free from this plague. He manipulated these people and turned them into dark and stray creatures who only killed and destroyed life. Just before the Drone could prevail, the first and ancient Elementalist, Lord Suva used all of his powers and sealed the drone to bring back the peace of Panacea. Unfortunately, Lord Suva was claimed by death for his magic was used up in the process.

Years later, his son Prince Damore succeeded him. His regime was one of a kind. He ruled for 20 years for which 15 of them were a bed of rose and the last five were a series of breakdowns...they were a disaster.

King Damore was a peaceful and wise King who ruled in riddles. He managed to carry Panacea and maintain order for 15 years. During the last five years of his regime, came the birth of his son, Prince Lodomore. It was a disaster. His birth triggered the awakening of the drone. The Drone had broken free from his slumber. He destroyed Panacea and he did it with anger, a new fire in his heart. The mundanes and lesser magicians were mostly his prey.

At that time Panacea panicked but Lord Damore did the unexpected and the needful that saved the remaining of Panacea. He opened up the deeper chambers of Panacea lands, used his magic and built a new empire. That was the new one, the magic realm. Meanwhile, Panacea remained a dark stark of drones.

Time passed and the dark lord vanished but his black magic clouded the lands of Panacea and it was visible. At that time the human specie had burnt to ashes sparing only pure and a few lesser magicians.

The proud pure magicians believed that the lesser magicians were a curse and that they would bring the plague in the new empire. But Lord Damore eradicated such rumours and maintained peace. He was given the title of 'The Equaliser' despite him not being an elementalist.

Nonetheless, he was the wisest King in the history of Panacea and the entire magic realm. A few years later when his son, prince Lodomore was old enough to succeed the empire, Lord Damore later died mysteriously. However, rumour had it that Lord Damore was murdered by his son.

The regime of King Lodomore was of dictatorship. He was an elementalist and the only one at that generation. He was a proud leader who only wanted perfection. He brought about the rank system where there was cyan, black, magenta and red aura.

Cyan was the strongest aura. Magicians with cyan were also called the Elementalists, they were a rare case. These possessed all elements and these elements were: resin, water, fire, and air. The elementalists also used their elements to cast all spells. The spells were moon spell, fire contact, hydrobreath and spell wrighter's Lexicon. But the latter was also rare for it was only performed by the ancient first elementalist, Lord Suva who used it to seal the dark lord in the first place.

The second aura was black and the second strongest. They were called serpent shadows and they possessed only three elements and their magic was all in black. The serpent shadows also were categorised into two groups which were pure and lesser serpent shadows. It was the only aura that was further broken down. Serpent shadows had black charters of Serpents climbing on swords that were carved on their shoulders but lesser ones did not have these charters. The lesser magicians were originally humans who cultivated to lesser magicians and which is the first level.

Pure magicians were naturally born and only the elementalists cultivated to the last level which was level four,the rest ended on level three.

Magenta was the third aura. They had beautiful golden magic from the resin element and fire which were their main and only elements. Magenta magicians were called Vanders and they did not perform spells but possessed the fire golden magic.

The last aura was white and according to King Lodomore they were the weakest. They had one element that was air but they did all spells except the spell wrighter's lexicon. All research was done by the elite magicians about how, when and why to perform this unique spell but all in vain. For a pure magician, cultivation began from level two.

The monarch system had some criticism. The head of the magic empire was either an Elementalist or Serpent shadow. Besides, the king was an advisor who was a blood keeper. Blood keepers were a rare case and for that reason, there came a rise of fake blood keepers and this period was called the blood keeper crisis. People did that so they could rule beside the King.

King Lodomore was smart enough to rule the fake ones out.

The prideful King Lodomore built his castle and painted everything ruby red thus the name 'The Red Castle and his father's castle which was 'The Grey castle', was transformed into the Elite school of magic where all students and teachers had their residences there.

King Lodomore was hated by most of the citizens and that a plan to overthrow him was made. His right-hand advisor betrayed him and thus he was locked in a strong metallic dungeon shielded dynamically in a way that no magic could penetrate and if he did any magic, it would echo back to him and kill him. Rebound magic always caused a lot of damage to one's body.

During the next elections, a Serpent shadow leader was elected. He was a silent and calm leader with attractive features. Lord Hadrian was his name. He ruled for the rest of the years. But King Lodomore gave a saying "The next Elementalist is coming". People thought he spewed nonsense as age had treated him badly. Precisely he looked haggard and gaunt but his face held an endlessly burning ambition.

One time, King Lodomore tried to break the prison shield he was kept in but his magic bounced back and that's when he lost his left eye, he protected his left eye with a black patch and remained behind the bars of the dark dungeon.