Elite School of Magic II.

"Rolam! is that you?" she whispered lightly caressing his cheek, tears threatening to fall. It seemed so surreal to her that her brother was fine. She felt light-headed and dizzy but bliss filled her heart.

"Zyd! I got something very important to tell you?"Rolam suddenly said solemnly, he gently squeezed his sister's hand that caressed his right cheek.

"What is it?" she whispered back, anxiously looking at her brother's solemn face.

"We are in a magic realm," he paused and scrutinized his anxious sister's face. "A place that is far away from home and all I know is that ma and pa have a connection to this.!" he continued breathlessly and solemn, his temples swelled revealing faint black veins.


"You don't believe me? why do you think you're-"

"I believe you, Ro. I do, and about the magic thing, I noticed. But all I want to understand is why do you think ma and pa are associated?"

"I got no time left. Keep safe. Meet me behind the boulder in the garden beside your room," he hurriedly whispered handing her a black strung neckless with a metallic arc point dangling at the string end.

"Where are you-"

Rolam gives her a-see-you later wave and vanished leaving a black hazy mist.

"Wait! what! Ro is a magician?" she stupidly questioned herself, her eyes wide open in disbelief.

"Haha," her inner mind sarcastically laughed.

"What did you expect in the magic realm, Zyd!?" it taunted her. Zyda remained silent paying attention to its blabbering.

A few hours later, Zyda made her mind up and found her way out of the strange which she had been ailing. She had felt much better, her body had gained incredibly refreshing energy but her mind reeled with infinite questions which had no answers at the particular moment.

Zyda wore the necklace that Rolam had given her earlier. Zyda sought for Yurie, she found under a tree shade that massively stood in the middle of the Grey castle compound in the backyard, practising sword skills.

"One, focus on your target," Yurie said, positioning herself in an attack stance. She tightened her grip around her now raised sharp shiny sword. Her face solemnly eyeing in space imagining an enemy in front of her.

"Two, strike first!" she expertly and swiftly swayed her sword side by side, steadily jumped up in the air with almost no force applied, sword in hand ready to strike. Her silvery grey hair brilliantly sparkled under the evening setting sun. Her flexible agile movements of a cheetah made her seem warrior-like. Zyda was incredulously amazed at her art and sword skill.

In a flash, the awestruck Zyda suddenly felt a rapid air gush around her neck as a cold sharp metallic object lied on her neck. The sword owner stood behind her, it was a sparkly silver grey-haired vile looking girl, her sword itched to slay.

At the same time, a heart thumped in fear and worry, silently pleading not to be separated from her soul. The victim subconsciously closed her eyes waiting for fate to decide.

"Three, don't hesitate to slay your enemy." a soft and serious voice came. A warm minty and lavender breath emanated from her and tickled the area where the sharp object lay.

"So Zyda! what are you doing here!" The attacker who was Yurie asked in her normal cheery self, withdrawing her sword from Zyda's neck. Earlier on she had been a knight on a battlefield.

Zyda unknowingly released a heavy breath that she had not realised she had held in.

"Um... uh.." she stuttered but nothing came after that. She was so shocked that her body slightly trembled.

"Hey! Sorry if I scared you earlier." Yurie spoke worriedly, smoothly rubbing her back up and down.


Zyda briskly nodded like an innocent frightened child with a slight pout.

" So what happened? You suddenly blacked out," she asked. Leading Zyda towards the shade benches.

Yurie had grown attached to Zyda in just a few days. She felt attached to her as if she was her other soul. Earlier on Zyda had blacked out when her magic had been emanating from her body.


A few hours earlier.

It had taken a lot of her energy since she had not yet learnt how to control it. Yurie had been sent away by master Kontos when they had arrived at the training block. A minute step Yurie had heard a heavy thud and froze only to hear a loud male voice shout a familiar name "Zyda!"

Her heart sunk, she immediately ran back to the block. She saw Rayene rush her to the infirmary, she unknowingly dashed to him at an incredible speed of light, swiftly yanked her body away from him and pelted to the infirmary leaving a dumbfounded Rayene. Unbeknownst to Yurie, he had noticed how her crystal clear eyes tingled with tears.


Yurie stared at Zyda with mixed emotional eyes. Zyda explained her confused situation, Yurie nodded in understanding.

"So that's it. What'd you think Yurie? should I go see him or?" Zyda asked anxiety printed on her face. She desperately fiddled with her slightly trembling fingers.

" Yes you should and I will follow you from the back. That area is quite cryptic," replied Yurie in a matter of fact tone, gently gave her shoulder an assuring pat.

" Ok then. Thanks, Yurie," she smiled, giving her a warm big embrace.

Later that night behind a raised boulder that secreted a spring, stood a black-haired boy, a sword in hand as though ready to strike. In a blink, there appeared another boy who resembled him. The difference was in the eyes, the strangely arrived boy had red sinister eyes, his left eye-patched and above all, his brow. scarred.

"Rolam Sylph, Cien's last borne. Long time no see!" a sarcastic heavy voice came from the clone.

"Who are you!" interrogated Rolam in a solemn chilly voice and poker expression that could intimidate anyone. But the other boy was not intimidated at all.

"Oooh!. No rush you'll know. But first, let's--." he flicked his fingers interrupting his statement and incidentally, Rolam collapsed leaving his clone behind. A sinister smug was written on his face.

The vile clone quickly created a portal in which he threw Rolam into it and then closed it.

" First let me talk to my Elementalist," he whispered In a sharp vile tone, his red eyes turning black as coal, the colour of Rolam's eyes and stood at the position as if expecting someone.