Yurie's mission.

Zyda failed and did not know how to control her magic. Everything in the garden was in shambles. A grandfather clock chimed in Yurie's head, she knew her mission was probably impossible but she had to try her best as a magician. Her mind was triggered with various thoughts about how to approach the powerful Zyda after all she was an Elementalist. Amidst the howling winds, Zyda's magic managed to alter the atmosphere.

A certain black-haired boy stepped forward to help but a discouraging arm softly landed on his shoulder. The arm belonged to his master, he stared at him and shook his head slowly in disapproval.

Yurie finally stepped forward towards the pit of her scary destiny to gamble her life.

Now face to face with the fire blazing Zyda she called out "Zyda!" her voice loud but soft. The crowd that gathered silently witnessed the scenes before them.

Sharp penetrating eyes blazed with fury and mixed emotions and with insignificant energy Zyda lifted Yurie in the air and questioned, her tone held a dangerous hypnotic tone, "Where's Rolam?!"

"Zyda, please come down. It's me Yurie," she tried to make her recall as she felt the sound of her pumping heart in the throat. The hairs on her neck rose as she trembled in fear which she tried to hide.

Zyda wrinkled her face as if in realisation. But she swiftly flung her away in ignorance, Yurie flew in the air and landed on the ground with a heavy resounding thud. She was caught unaware thus she could do nothing to save herself. Everyone was sure that the rugged ground creaked her bones for she rested there motionlessly. The master refused the team from backing her up. He simply looked at the scene with unfathomable looks.

"Let her be!" he snarled at the group earning himself fazed and confused looks.

Silence occupied the atmosphere for everyone had thoughts of funerals. Some time passed and they saw a struggling Yurie. She lifted herself with difficulty while gritting her teeth in pain. Heading for her sword as her support was a few steps away from her and again filled with determination, she headed for Zyda with a plan in mind.

"Zyda!" she called her in a sweet tone. "Listen to me, I know where Rolam is!" she shouted in the wildly howling wind, her silvery hair got ruffled by the wind earning a sparkly shin from the peeping half-crescent moon.

"Rolam.." she softly whispered a bit louder for Yurie to hear. Unexpectedly her words managed to her cool down. She was back to her normal self and everything was back to normal except for the distorted atmosphere. The crowd behind was silent as a graveyard eye spectating the duo at the spot. Zyda stared at Yurie who was in front of her then scanned the environment around her, she was shocked at the destruction caused.

"Zyda please.." pleaded Yurie with a pained look on her face.

"Yurie!" she ran and embraced her tightly, tears threatening to fall. Yurie swallowed back her pain and embraced her back.

"I'm sorry!" was all she uttered.

The girls later entered the building. None from the crowd uttered a word, they watched as they disappeared into the building. When Zyda reached her assigned room, she immediately plopped on the bed and drifted to sleep, at the same time Yurie sought sanctuary in the infirmary with pain caused by Zyda.

Current status: level 4

Soul checkup: Normal

Quests completed: none

Discovered abilities: none

Training checkup: none

Zyda heard a beeping sound early in the morning, she briskly rolled on the other side of the bed, she thought it was one of Yurie's new antiques. She mumbled frowningly " Could I sleep a little longer? .... please... Yurie.."

The beeping persisted, it becomes more of a ringing bell than an alarm. She flung the sheets aside in frustration and ranted "Ok.. ok I heard it I'm awake!"

To her surprise Yurie was nowhere to be found, it was only a sparkly light from a necklace given to her by Rolam. But the beeping sound stopped as the necklace hovered above her head. She reckoned that she hadn't removed it last night, how the heck did it get up there? she thought.

"You're awake, finally!" she heard a tiny girlish voice coming from the necklace.

"Oh! my bad, I just forgot to intro myself, by the way, I'm Winx"

Zyda could only stare in amazement at the necklace in front of her, she stammered in surprise, "Uh...!"

"Don't worry, I know who you are. Oh! by the way, I'm your Elementalist soul. I'll guide you on how to use the established system, which is the-"

"Woah! slow down there. How'd you expect me to digest all this at once with your incredibly strange invisible explanation of yours?" Zyda interrupted the invisible voice, her features twisted in confusion.

Things were happening too fast. First, it was the energy thing in the training room, next was the transformation in the garden, the mysterious appearance of Rolam now this so-called invisible Winx and her system. It was all too much to consume as her head almost burst with confusion and frustration.

"Ting!" a tiny sound caught Zyda's attention for in the place of the necklace stood a cute but small version of Zyda. Everything was similar except for the eyes which were sapphire blue, and her hair white in colour. For the attire, it had surprisingly worn a smaller version of Zyda's clothes.

"So how can we go back to business?" it commanded in an angry tone at Zyda's earlier outbursts, its arms crossed casually.

But Zyda found it rather fascinating with its assumed scary tone which was quite adorable. She subconsciously pinched its little cheeks in admiration.

"Ouch, stop that. What are you doing? " Winx yelped in pain.

"Oh! sorry Winxy, I just couldn't help myself. You're too cute!" Zyda giggled.

"Mmph! " Winx crossed her small arms poutingly.

"Ok.. ok.. so.... what's this system all about? " Zyda tried to strike a serious conversation with the creature. But before the creature could answer, a knock on the door interrupted them.

Instantly, the Winx disappeared silently and on the bed laid the necklace from Rolam. Zyda still contemplated whether to open the door or remain silent. She finally opted for the latter but the response from the knock left her speechless.

"I know you're awake. Don't even think of sleeping!" it was an emotionless voice from a male.

Who was it? she didn't know. Besides she has never spoken to anyone apart from Yurie and the creepy old man with a. walking stick. Ever since her first entry into the academy, she had received questioning and disdained looks from the rest. Only Yurie gave her a friendly look.

The knocker was out of patience so he entered her room. Zyda was so shocked at the figure that entered her room.

"Shino!" she huffed, her eyes wide in shock.

What business does he have with her? She was about to find out.