The Hydrobreath Spell.

A smattering of whispers and muttering filled the room when Zyda entered the main hall. Shino who was sitting in the front row stared intently at her, as fate had it in for her, she felt his penetrative gaze and darted her face in his direction. They locked eyes for a moment until Yurie gave her a slight pat that jolted her into reality. There's something mysterious about how Shino stared at her that bothered her.

The muttering soon perished when Master Erdem stepped into the main hall. A taut silence filled the room as everyone sat still as a statue. He was to teach them spells, his stern face scrutinised his students and unexpectedly landed on Rolam who was sitting opposite Hylie in the middle row. He narrowed his eyes at him in suspicion but Rolam didn't flinch a bit.