Mutated Drones.

The elegant man stared at his audience and smiled slightly. He scanned it and unexpectedly, his eyes landed on Zyda who sat in the middle row in between Yurie and Rolam and was staring at him intently. 

"Zyda, come in front," he commanded softly with a shadowed smile lingering on his lips.

Zyda felt something peculiar about him. Nonetheless, she obeyed him and marched forward.

" Master!" she called as soon as she climbed the podium with her unreadable eyes gazing at him.

"Call me Dante," he whispered, his gaze turning more intense as he sauntered towards her. He completely ignored the piercing eyes of the audience.

Zyda took a brief step backwards but the so-called Dante persistently approached her and continued, "I'm not going to eat you, relax. Now close your eyes and focus."