Fire Contact Spell II.

"So this is what you were up to? It seems I have underestimated you, Lodomore," smirked the silhouette. 

It was Winx who had been spying on Lodomore all along. She thought that perhaps Lodomore gave up after the mission turned successful but it seems like he was planning for more, a disaster. 

Winx quickly disappeared after this discovery.

Zyda tiredly sat on her bed after freshening up, she slowly gazed at her father's open journal that rested on her lap and lots of memories from the past about him flashed in her mind. He had a habit of recording stuff in a journal. His slanting handwriting that resembled the italic font, he was fond of calligraphy. Zyda traced the letters as nostalgia crawled and wriggled in her heart. Suddenly, a twinkling light appeared in her room which jolted her from the ocean of thoughts. 

"Winx! Is that you?" she mumbled, widely staring at the gleaming blue light before her.